Kings of War 15mm

Kings of War 15mm for True Mass Fantasy Battle

I initially started this article as a comparison of 15mm and 28mm Fantasy wargaming. This started very quickly to simply go through a pros and cons list such as price, detail, subjective views on preferred scales etc. I have since decided this was fairly futile as everyone will have their own opinion on why they enjoy their hobby and what makes gaming fun for them.
I have instead opted test how converting the Kings of War Rules System for play with 15mm would work. My reasons for this are as follows:
  • Kings of War rule system is free, current, concise and made for large scale battles
  • There are a few articles on the subject already
  • Scale conversion is easy
  • Lots of scope with the Kingdoms of men with existing 15mm  historical armies
  • Some guy mentioned it at my wargaming club and it piqued my interest

The Kings of War Core Rules, Army Lists are available for free from the Mantic Website along with the official Miniatures:

Core Rules and Army Lists - Free

Mantic Kings of War Miniatures - 28mm

The following page contains the slight rule alterations  to make them suitable for 15 mm scale. These have been designed to be easily implemented and only the free core rules and army lists are required before play.

Rule Modifications for 15mm Kings of War


  1. I have a very large and growing, collection of 15mm fantasy figures covering many races KoM, Dwarfs, Orcs, Goblins, Beastmen, Chaos, Deamons, Lizardmen and Stygian (Evil Humans)

    I love the idea of KoW in 15mm and look forward to seeing more on your blog.

    1. Thanks really inspires me to keep it going. I may pick your brains (undead style) for ideas at some point in the future. Nice blog by the way, adding to my social links :)

  2. I read through your 15mm KOW conversions - looks slightly similar to what I was going to do (50mm x 25mm stands for me to match up with Mighty Armies basing scheme) but a group up in Atlanta is doing 15mm KOW using 40mmx30mm bases for everything - 2 bases = troop, 2x2 bases = regiment, 3x2 bases = horde. Here's a link to a 6000 point game they did recently : Since they are close to me (relatively speaking - about a 90 minute drive) I may go with their basing so I can join in their games.
