Monday, 13 March 2017

Deadzone Strike Team Builder | Google Login Added

Hi All,

I finally managed to add google login for the Strike Team builder.

Hopefully this will mean that lots more users will be able to start saving teams and running campaigns more easily.

If you want to know why I'm using Google and FaceBook Read on:

I have stuck to using FaceBook and Google Logins because then don't have to store either emails or passwords on my database which is more secure for users. This is because all the authorisation stuff is done by those FB or google.

However, if you want to be able to login without Facebook or Google let me know I can sort you out private login for you. Just send me a private message and I will auto generate a password and username. This means that I still don't have to have your emails or potentially common passwords. 

As a Web dev I encourage people to use different passwords for everything and store them in something like KeePassX.

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